Technically this newsletter is supposed to be quarterly, and it’s only been a month and half, but things are going to be heating up over the next few months and years so maybe this becomes a little more frequent and hopefully a lot more interesting!
This one is really just a quick reminder that FOC (Final Order Cut-off) for LOTUS LAND, No One Ever Says Goodbye #1 is Oct 23rd.
That leaves less than a week to call your local comic shop to tell them you’d like a copy of the first issue. The first print of this is already expected to sell out, so if you’d like to read along with all the cool kids, I suggest you get that order in real quick.
Once again here are the three covers available for that first issue. The main cover is by Alex Eckman-Lawn with variants by Christian Ward and Ian Bertram.
LOTUS LAND #1 is the beginning of a big, weird, sci-fi mystery, but it’s also the beginning of much more than that. It’s the beginning of me going all in on the art life, and a series of creator-owned books that will be more consistently present on store shelves. The beginning of what’s been several years of post-LITTLE BIRD work.
So yes, LOTUS LAND is important to me, in and of itself, but it’s also a major milestone in my career as I begin a new chapter in my creative life. I hope you’ll join for the ride.
That’s it! Tell all your friends! xo DVP
Ohhh, you’re still here! Here’s a sneak peek at the cover for LOTUS LAND #2 (you guessed it, the mystery deepens). Again, cover by the great Alex Eckman-Lawn!